The Miss America Little Sister program is the fastest growing mentoring program in the nation! The program is designed for girls, ages 6 to 13, who are looking to improve upon skills that promote self-confidence and poise and find mentoring from today’s young teen leaders.

The Miss North Dakota Praire Rose Little Sister program sees our girls participate in local pageants in non-competitive categories.  These young ladies can then participate in the state program, where they will meet Miss North Dakota and Miss North Dakota's Teen, perform on stage, learn from former queens, and participate in other fun events.

Group 1 “ Miss “ Prairie Rose Little Sisters-May particpate only ONCE-ages 6-9-Full Week program partnered with a Miss Delegate

Group 2 “Teen” Prairie Rose Little Sisters-May participate as many times as age eligable-Ages 6-9-2 day program partnered with a Teen Delegate

Group 3 “Teens-In-Training” Prairie Rose Little Sisters-May participate as many times as age eligable-Ages 10-13-2 day program-Focus on prep work to become a Teen Delegate